[WH40K] Скрежет металла. | ходы игроков | Учебник танкиста

DungeonMaster Ranadan
11.04.2016 16:27
Командир, знай, как управлять танком, от этого зависит жизнь многих!
Помни некоторые особенности своей машины:

The following Actions are available to vehicle crew. These Actions only apply to Tracked Vehicles, Wheeled Vehicles, Skimmers and Walkers (plus Aircraft or Spacecraft operating as Skimmers).

Evasive Manoeuvring
Активные маневры помогают избежать прямых попаданий, маневры - это часть живучести машины.

Floor It!
Иногда нужно прибавить газу, жми педаль и ищи удобное место для боя.

Hit & Run
Тебя, танкист, это не касается, но знай, что некоторая техника способна за счет скорости промчаться мимо и нанести повреждения.

Твои глаза, уши и внутреннее чутье подскажет, когда нужно дернуть или притормозить машину на ходу. Нестабильное движение - вражеский снаряд мимо

Танкист, если вражеская машина подставила бок со слабой броней, жми педаль, сминай мощью освященной техники супостата, дави живую силу противника, наматывая ее на гусеницы.

Tactical Manoeuvring
Иногда нужно просто спокойно ехать и не дергаться.

Иногда приходится догонять и сталкивать вражескую технику, будь аккуратен.

Помни, что точная стрельба возможна только из стоячей машины, чем быстрее ты едешь, тем сложнее наводчику навести на цель орудие гнева Его. Помни, что кроме тебя в машине есть и другие, кто пытается стрелять по врагу.
Открытый кузов - отличная мишень для поражения экипажа противника.
Отредактировано 12.04.2016 в 12:13

DungeonMaster Ranadan
11.04.2016 16:27
Table 8–24: Vehicle Hit Locations
Roll Location Description

01-20 Motive Systems
These could be tracks, wheels, leg actuators, grav-plates, engines, power relays and so on. These systems are often quite fragile, regardless of the type of vehicle, and as such most vehicles find themselves immobilised rather than suffering outright destruction.

21-60 Hull
The attack has hit the vehicle’s main hull. Powerful hits here could kill crewmembers or detonate fuel and ammunition stores.

61-80 Weapon
The attack has hit one of the weapons mounted on the vehicle’s hull. It could be a sponson, or a fixed weapon protruding from the vehicle’s front armour. If there are multiple weapons in this location, the GM should randomise which one is hit. If a vehicle has no Weapon on that particular Facing, treat it as a hit to the Hull. These attacks often destroy the weapon system, but some attacks can translate back to the main hull of the vehicle causing secondary damage.

81-00 Turret
The attack has hit the vehicle’s turret. If a vehicle has more than one turret then the turret closest to the attacker is the turret affected by the attack. If there are multiple weapons in this location, the GM should randomise which one is hit. If a vehicle has no Turret, treat it as a hit to the Hull. Turret destruction is just as dangerous as hits that penetrate the hull, as volatile ammunition is often stored within the turret, and a lot of tank commanders sit inside the turret as well.

Table 8–25: Weapon Critical Hit Chart
Critical Effect
1. A strong concussive hit leaves the gun intact, but knocks the gunner away from his station. The gunner is Stunned for 1 Round.

2. A glancing blow knocks the gun about, dislodging an ammo linkage, buckling a breach door or shorting out a power system. It is a minor issue, but will take time to fix. The weapon immediately Jams. The Jam can be cleared via the normal method.

3. The hit frazzles the gun’s targeting system, blocks a vision slit or causes internal armour to flake away and strike
the gunner in the eyes. All shots made with the weapon suffer a –10 penalty for 1d5 Rounds.

4. With the sound of grinding metal, the gun locks in place. The gun gains Weapon/Turret Locked Damage Condition (see page 286). The weapon is now only capable of firing in a direct straight line in whatever direction it happened to fire at last (or directly forward if it had not fired yet). If the weapon was a Fixed Weapon, treat this as the result 5 on this table.

5. The gun’s ammo-hopper or power control system is destroyed, leaving the weapon incapable of loading ammunition. The weapon itself is otherwise undamaged as it is the power or ammunition linkage that is damaged, but to represent this result the weapon still gains the Weapon Disabled Damage Condition (see page 286) until it has been repaired.

6. The weapon’s targeting systems are annihilated by the blast. The weapon gains the Targeting Systems Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 285).

7. The gun’s ammo-hopper or power control systems are severely damaged, or perhaps the weapon’s barrel is cracked from a heavy impact. The weapon can still fire, but with a risk of causing an ammunition explosion. The weapon can continue to be used as normal, but every time the weapon is used there is a 30% chance of the currently loaded ammunition cooking off. If it does so, roll Damage against the vehicle and any gunners manning the weapon as if the destroyed weapon had hit them, halving all Damage rolled. If this happens the weapon gains the Weapon Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 286), and all the remaining ammunition in that clip is destroyed.

8. The weapon explodes and is torn from its housing. Damage from the explosion rips further into the vehicle’s hull, possibly injuring the weapon’s gunner. Any gunner operating this weapon has a 20% chance of being hit by the same shot and taking one quarter (rounding up) of the rolled Damage.

9. As above, except the explosion rips through the entire crew compartment. Every member of the crew suffer 1d10+6 Explosive Damage to the body, suffer one level of Fatigue and must make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or catch fire. If this occurs, refer to the On Fire! sidebar on page 284. Anyone who catches fire can attempt to put themselves out as described in the rules for Fire on page 266.

10+. The force of the attack destroys the weapon and continues through into the vehicle’s hull, detonating the ammunition store or power supply for the weapon. The vehicle explodes immediately. It cannot be repaired and no equipment from within the vehicle can be salvaged. Anyone inside takes 2d10+18 Explosive damage. Anyone within 2d10 metres of the vehicle suffers 1d10+6 Explosive damage from the blast. If the Vehicle has the Open-Topped or Bike
Vehicle Trait, passengers or crew may make an Evasion Test using the Dodge Skill to bail out at the last second. Anyone who succeeds at the Evasion Test suffers 1d10+6 Damage from the vehicle’s explosion. Note: Depending on the contents of the vehicle, the GM may enhance the explosion’s radius and/or Damage as he sees fit.

Table 8–26: Motive Systems Critical Hit Chart
Critical Effect

1. A savage blow to the vehicle’s drive mechanism or engine intakes forces the operator to wrestle with the controls in order to keep it pointed in the right direction. The vehicle’s operator must take an immediate Challenging (+0) Operate Test. If the Test is failed use the Scatter Diagram to determine the vehicle’s new facing. The operator takes one level of Fatigue from the effort.

2. The vehicle is knocked violently from its current position, but otherwise no major damage is caused. The vehicle may only move up to its Tactical Speed next Turn.

3. One of the vehicle’s tracks, a rear axle or ankle joint, or perhaps a vital fuel link has taken a major hit, and now one side of the vehicle’s drive mechanism is responding more slowly than the other. The vehicle gains the Motive Systems Impaired Damage Condition (see page 284).

4.The vehicle’s fuel or drive power systems have taken a glancing hit. The vehicle is in no danger of exploding, but coaxing speed out of the engine is far more difficult now. If the vehicle’s operator ever wants to move faster than the vehicle’s Tactical Speed they must first pass a Difficult (–10) Operate Test. If the Test is failed by three or more degrees the vehicle’s engine stalls and the vehicle cannot move at all this Turn. Skimmers that suffer this result crash.

5. The driver finds that the vehicle’s control systems are completely unresponsive… but the vehicle is still moving! Tracked and Wheeled vehicles go out of control, Skimmers crash and Walkers move forward half their Tactical Speed and before falling over. If the vehicle did not move last Turn, then this result has no effect (other than Skimmers, who still crash).

6. The hit tears off a tread, damages a knee joint, or tears into the grav-generator housing doing severe damage. The vehicle gains the Motive Systems Crippled Damage Condition (see page 285). If this brings the Tactical Speed to 0, the vehicle is treated as having suffered the Motive Systems Destroyed Damage Condition instead. If this occurs Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles coast to a quick stop, Walkers grind to a halt where they stand, and Skimmers crash
into the ground.

7. The small internal explosion causes a loose bolt to ricochet around the driver’s controls at breakneck speed, or perhaps a control panel explodes in the driver’s face. The vehicle’s operator immediately suffers 1d10 Impact damage to the head, suffers one level of Fatigue, and must make a Difficult (–10) Operate Test in order to move the vehicle next Turn. If the vehicle was already moving when this result occurred and the vehicle’s operator is unable to regain control then the vehicle goes out of control if it is a Tracked or Wheeled Vehicle, crashes if it is a Skimmer, or moves forward half its Tactical Speed and before falling over if it is a Walker.

8. The vehicle’s motive systems are ripped apart in an explosion that immediately stops the vehicle from moving. The vehicle gains the Motive Systems Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 285). Skimmers that suffer this result crash into the ground.

9. The vehicle’s power systems or fuel tanks are penetrated. The vehicle grinds to a halt and immediately catches alight. The vehicle gains the Motive Systems Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 285) and is now On Fire (see the On Fire! sidebar on page 284). Skimmers that suffer this result crash into the ground.

10+. The hit smashes the vehicle’s drive shaft or sends a surge through its power systems. The vehicle immediately lurches forward before flipping over completely! Tracked Vehicles, Wheeled Vehicles and Skimmers immediately move forward half their Tactical Speed and then flip over. This is treated as a crash in all respects. Walkers move forward half their Tactical Speed and before falling over. Anything mounted on the top of the vehicle (turrets, specialist equipment weapons, especially pintle mounted weapons) is destroyed. Exposed crew and passengers may be thrown or crushed. Other weapons mounted on a vehicle’s hull may still be used assuming there are any crewleft to use them. The vehicle is completely immobilised (and upside down!), and will not be able to move under its own power until recovered and repaired (treat this as a Motive Systems Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 285) that cannot be repaired until the vehicle has been turned ride side up again).

Table 8–27: Turret Critical Hit Chart
Critical Effect

1. A strong concussive hit leaves the gun intact, but knocks those within the turret around. Anyone within the vehicle’s turret is Stunned for 1 Round.

2. A heavy blow knocks the turret aside, but it is not immediately apparent how much damage the gun has taken. The crew cannot risk firing the weapon until they have made sure that the shell won’t explode in the barrel or that the weapon’s power systems won’t overload. Treat the weapon as if it had Jammed.

3. The hit frazzles the gun’s targeting system, blocks a vision slit or causes internal armour to flake away and strike the gunner in the eyes. All shots made with the weapon suffer a –10 penalty for 1d5 Rounds.

4. With the sound of grinding metal, the turret locks in place. The gun gains Weapon/Turret Locked Damage Condition (see page 286). The weapon is now only capable of firing in a direct straight line in whatever direction it happened to fire at last (or directly forward if it had not fired yet). It is possible for Pintle Weapons to maintain their Fire Arcs even if a turret has jammed in place.

5. The turret’s loses power, and everything stops working. The turret and the weapons contained within are undamaged, but nothing has any power and thus no weapons other than pintle weapons can be fired, the turret itself cannot rotate until the power systems are repaired. If the turret had any other equipment linked to it (such as additional searchlights, communications equipment and so on) these cease to operate. For the purposes of repairing damage, treat this as a Weapon Destroyed Damage Condition, but the weapons within the turret do not need to be replaced before the Repair Test is made (unless of course the weapons had already been destroyed by previous critical effects).

6. The turret’s targeting systems are annihilated by the blast. Every weapon within the turret other than any Pintle Weapons mounted atop the turret gain the Targeting Systems Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 285).

7. The hit tears through the turret’s armour, leaving only useless shards of metal. All further hits to the vehicle’s turret now roll against the vehicle’s Rear Facing Armour Value rather than the Front Facing Armour Value regardless of which direction the shot hit the turret from. Treat the vehicle has having lost 2d10 AP for the
purposes of repairing the Armour (see Reduced Armour, page 285). If the attack was a ranged weapon, the shot rips through the interior of the turret as well. Each crewmember within the turret has a 20% chance of being hit by the same shot and taking one quarter (rounding up) of the rolled Damage. In addition, the vehicle gains the Open Topped Vehicle Trait, which could be a problem if the vehicle is in a poisonous atmosphere, underwater, or in a vacuum.

8. Several areas of the turret are blasted away and the entire turret catches fire. Any weapons mounted in or on the turret gain the Weapon Destroyed Damage Condition. Any equipment on or in the turret is destroyed, and the turret itself gains the Weapon/Turret Locked Damage Condition. Additionally the turret is set alight. Refer to On Fire! sidebar on page 284.

9. As above, except the fire pours into the main hull of the vehicle, setting everything alight. Every member of the crew, plus any passengers if they are not somehow separated from the crew compartment must take a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or catch fire. Refer to the On Fire! sidebar on page 284. Anyone who catches fire can attempt to put themselves out as described in the rules for Fire on 266.

10+. A colossal explosion tears the turret away from the vehicle, the twisted wreckage flying into the air as the vehicle itself is ripped apart by secondary explosions. The vehicle is destroyed. It cannot be repaired and no equipment from within the vehicle can be salvaged. Anyone inside takes 2d10+18 Explosive Damage. Anyone within 2d10 metres of the vehicle suffers 1d10+6 Explosive Damage from the blast. If the Vehicle has the Open-Topped or Bike Vehicle Trait, passengers or crew may make an Evasion Test using the Dodge Skill to bail out at the last second. Anyone who succeeds at the Evasion Test suffers 1d10+6 E Damage from the vehicle’s explosion. Additionally the turret flies 3d10 metres in a random direction, and anyone directly under the turret when it lands suffers Damage as if they had just been Rammed by the vehicle moving its Tactical Speed. Any crew who were stationed within the turret are automatically killed—there’s no way they’d have time to bail out! Note: Depending on the contents of the vehicle, the GM may enhance the explosion’s radius and/or Damage as he sees fit

Table 8–28: Hull Critical Hit Chart
Critical Effect

1. The vehicle jolts to one side with the force of a strong hit, forcing everyone aboard to grab onto something to stay in their seats. Any crew who are not strapped in or otherwise secured must make an Ordinary (+10) Toughness Test or be Stunned for one Round.

2. An internal gas line bursts, unleashing an opaque but non-lethal cloud within the crew compartment. One member of the crew (or a passenger) must dedicate their entire next Round to closing the leak (no Test is required, they just spend a Full Action to do this). All Actions taken within the vehicle by any crew suffer a –20 penalty until the leak has been sealed.

3. A jarring blow tosses the vehicle around, throwing things about the interior. Any crew or passengers who are not strapped in or otherwise secured must make an Ordinary (+10) Toughness Test or be Stunned for 1d5 Rounds. All shooting from the vehicle during the next Round suffers –10 to hit as aims are knocked askew and
shots go wide.

4. Some electrical cabling or power coupling is blasted loose by the impact, raining a sudden shower of sparks down on a member of the crew. The GM randomly selects one member of the vehicle’s crew. This crewman immediately suffers 1d10+6 Impact Damage to the body and suffers one level of Fatigue.

5. Several hull plates buckle and fall away, weakening the vehicle. The Facing where the attack hit reduces its AP by 1d10 (eg. if the attack hit the vehicle’s Rear Facing the vehicle’s rear Armour would be reduced by 1d10 and all subsequent attacks that hit the Rear Facing would only need to penetrate this reduced Armour value).

6. A small explosion rips through the crew compartment, damaging internal systems and wounding the crew. If the vehicle’s crew are housed separately from the passengers, the GM should determine randomly whether this affects the crew or the passengers. In either case those that suffer from this result take 1d10+6 Explosive damage to the body, suffer one level of Fatigue and must make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or catch fire. If this occurs, refer to the On Fire! sidebar on page 284. Anyone who catches fire can attempt to put themselves out as described in the rules for Fire on 266.

7. The hit tears through the vehicle’s armour, leaving only useless shards of metal. The Facing where the attack hit reduces its Facing’s AP by half (eg. if the attack hit the vehicle’s Rear Facing the vehicle’s rear Armour would be reduced by half and all subsequent attacks that hit the Rear Facing would only need to penetrate this reduced Armour value). If the attack was a ranged weapon, the shot rips through the interior of the vehicle as well. Each crewmember has a 20% chance of being hit by the same shot and taking one quarter (rounding up) of the rolled damage. In addition, the vehicle gains the Open Topped Vehicle Trait, which could be a problem if the vehicle is in a poisonous atmosphere, underwater, or in a vacuum.

8. As above, but the vehicle also catches fire! Refer to On Fire! sidebar on page 284.

9. A short, sharp explosion flares outward from the vehicle. Armour panels fall off, weapons are blasted free, and the vehicle’s drive mechanisms are ruined causing it to stop dead. The vehicle is now a shattered hulk and gains the Vehicle Destroyed Damage Condition (see page 285). If the vehicle had any remaining weapons each one has a 50% chance of gaining the Weapon Destroyed Damage Condition. Anyone inside the vehicle takes 1d10+6 Explosive damage, and must make a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test or become Stunned for 1d10 Rounds. Skimmers automatically crash.

10+. The vehicle’s ammo supply, reactor or fuel supply takes a direct hit and the vehicle erupts from within. Shards of molten metal are sent flying in every direction as the vehicle is reduced to a smoking crater. The vehicle is destroyed and cannot be repaired. No equipment from within the vehicle can be salvaged. Anyone inside takes 2d10+18 Explosive damage. Anyone within 2d10 metres of the vehicle suffers 1d10+6 Explosive damage from the blast. If the Vehicle has the Open-Topped or Bike Vehicle Trait, passengers or crew may make an Evasion Test using the Dodge Skill to bail out at the last second. Anyone who succeeds at the Evasion Test suffers the 1d10+6 damage from the vehicle’s explosion. Note: Depending on the contents of the vehicle, the GM may enhance the explosion’s radius and/or damage as he sees fit.
Отредактировано 12.04.2016 в 11:38

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