Возвращение Наксрамаса | Партия


Заявка на рассмотрении
Автор:   Dhoine
Раса:   Человек
Класс:   другой
Мировоззрение:   Принципиальный добрый
Сила:0 [-5]
Ловкость:0 [-5]
Выносливость:0 [-5]
Интеллект:0 [-5]
Мудрость:0 [-5]
Обаяние:0 [-5]

Уильям Ю. Дай

В игре
Автор:   TATb
Раса:   Человек
Класс:   Cleric / Crusader / RKV
Мировоззрение:   Принципиальный нейтральный
Сила:18 [+4]
Ловкость:12 [+1]
Выносливость:15 [+2]
Интеллект:10 [+0]
Мудрость:12 [+1]
Обаяние:9 [-1]
Спадающий с широких плеч глухой плащ делает фигуру напоминающей поставленный стоймя гроб. Профессионально траурное лицо, подходящее как для похорон, так и для сражения и последующих похорон. На голове крепко сидит старомодная шляпа гробовщика. За спиной верный друг - двуручная обоюдоострая боевая лопата.

Щит из крышки гроба пришлось оставить в родной церкви. Покойся с миром.
Уил никогда не понимал - почему люди считают его мрачным и траурным? Попадая в случайную компанию, он смеялся и даже шутил, но компания почему-то сразу рассасывалась... Хотя, если подумать, возможно именно поэтому? Профессиональный юмор упокойной службы требует особенной аудитории.

Добро, зло: ерунда - все там будем. Но иногда приходится взять верную лопату и помочь Джас навести порядок - закопать поглубже тех, кому не положено ходить по земле.
Когда областная церковь посылала рядового гробовщика последить за кладбищем в глухой деревне, кто знал, что в этой деревне свил гнездо практикующий некромант? Молодой Уил очень серьезно относился к своим обязанностям. "Мертвое положено хоронить" - пожимал он плечами - и хоронил. Все, что выбиралось на поверхность, он разрубал помельче и хоронил снова, пока оно не переставало выбираться.

Шли годы. Уильям поднаторел в искусстве нарезки и упокаивания мертвых, скоростного выкапывания-закапывания могил и экспресс-похоронных ритуалов. Обустроил хорошо защищенное (извне и снаружи) кладбище и жил по закону и не парясь, как завещала Джас.

Изможденный и вымотанный некромант плюнул и уехал, куда глаза глядят, оставив безлюдный городок в покое. Оставшись без работы, Уильям отправился в дорогу. Джас и родная церковь требовали хоронить.
Name: Уильям Ю. Дай
Neutral Human Male (35 средних лет)
Medium (-)
Class 4 Crusader [ToB] / 1 Cleric [PHB] / 2 Ruby Knight Vindicator
Deity: Wee Jas

---{ ABILITIES / PB XX }---
STR 17(13) + 1 (LVL) = 18(+4)
DEX 12(04) = 12(+2)
CON 15(08) = 15(+2)
INT 10(02) = 10(+0)
WIS 12(4) =12(+1)
CHA 09(01) = 09(-1)
Init : +1 (+1 dex); no rerolls
Speed: 30ft. (20ft in armor); fly 00ft; -
HP : 78=1*08(cleric)+4*10(crusader)+2*08(RKV)+7*2(CON)
AP : -

BAB : +6/+1
Grpl: 010 =6(BAB) + 4(str)
Trip: 010 = 6(BAB)+4(str)
Bull: 010 = 6(BAB)+4(str)

[Greataxe +1 melee 1d12+0 (20/x3)] //+1 enh and 1d6 damage against undead (undead bane, truedeath crystal)
Attack Bonus: +11/6 =+6/1(BAB) + 4(str) + 1(enh)
Damage: 1d12 + 6(str x1,5)+1(enh) //+1d6 against undead
[Greatclub +00/+0 melee 1d10+0 (20/x2)]
Attack Bonus: +10/5=+6/1(BAB) + 4(str)
Damage: 1d10 + 6(str x1,5)

Full : 21 = 10 + 1(dex) + 0(size) + 8(armor) +1(enh) +1(amulet)
Touch: 11 = 10 + 1(dex) + 0(size) //-10 penalty to touch attacks from incorporeal (crystal of screening)
FlatF: 20 = 10 + 1(amulet) + 0(size) +1(enh) +8(armor)
Fort: +10 = 6(class) + 4(str)
Refl: +03 = 2(class) + 1 (dex)
Will: +06 = 5(class)+1(wis)
*one reroll (zealous surge)

//+3 competence bonus on saving throws against energy drain attacks, inflict spells, death spells, and death effects (crystal of lifekeeping)
//+5 sacred bonus on saving throws against undead effect 3 times / day (sepulchral vest )

---{ SKILLS / 34 (число скиллпоинтов) / 00 (потрачено на скиллтрики)}---
02 Balance = 6(ranks)+1(dex)-5(ACP)
08 Concentration = 6(ranks)+2(con)
01 Diplomacy = -1(cha)+2(misc)
01 Heal =0(ranks)+1(wis)
00 Hide = 0(ranks)
09 Intimidate = 10(ranks)-1(cha)
-03 Jump = 4(ranks)+4(str)-11(ACP)
00 Knowledge (arcana) = 0(ranks)
00 Knowledge (history) = 0(ranks)
00 Knowledge (local) = 0(ranks)
08 Knowledge (religion) = 8(ranks)
01 Martial Lore = 1(ranks)
02 Ride = 1(ranks)+1(dex)
06 Sense Motive = 3(ranks)+2(misc)+1(wis)
01 Spellcraft = 1(ranks)

Speaks: Common
Skill Tricks: -

Teamwork Benefits: -

---{ FEATS }---
[PH 92] Combat Reflexes: Additional attacks of opportunity.
[PH 94] Extra Turning: Can turn or rebuke 4 more times per day.
[PH 98] Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for damage (up to base attack bonus).
[ToB 30] Extra Granted Maneuver: Ready one more maneuver from your maneuvers known.
[ToB 32] Stone Power: Trade attack bonus for temporary Hit Points.
[ToB 33] Vital Recovery: When you recover one or more expended maneuvers, you heal 3 points of damage + 1 point per character level (10). You can gain this benefit only once per encounter.

–– TRAITS ––
[UA Pg 89] Nightsighted: +10 ft darkvision, -1 Spot in brightlight.

[UA Pg 91] Inattentive: -4 on Listen and Spot checks.
[UA Pg 91] Shaky: -2 on all ranged attack rolls.

[Ex] Base land speed of 30 feet.
[Trait] Darkvision 10 feet.
[Ex] Bonus Feat
[Ex] Favored Class - Any

[Ex] Proficient in all armor, and all shields(including tower shields)
[Ex] Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
[Ex] Aura of Law: You have a moderate aura of Law.
[Ex] Spontaneous Casting: Can spontaneously cast Cure spells, by sacrificing a pre-prepared spell of equal or higher level.
[Ex] Restricted Spells: cannot cast Chaotic spells.
[Su] Turn Undead: Can turn undead 6+1(holy symbol) times per day. A turning check is made on 1d20+1; turning damage is equal to 2d6+0 on a successful check.
[Ex] Furious counterstrike: Attack bonus equal to damage pool divided by 5, rounded down (min +1, max +6 atk bonus) - Damage pool must have at least 1 point in it.
[Ex] Steely resolve: First 10 damage each round goes to damage pool, at end of your next turn, damage in pool is dealt as normal, and pool is reset to zero, all other attack effects are resolved
normally (eg. Poison)
[Ex] Indomitable soul: Add charisma bonus (if any) to will saves - does not stack with paladin's divine grace.
[Ex] Zealous surge: May reroll a single saving throw, once per day - declare before DM decides fail/success.

* Cleric spellcaster level 3 / max spell level 2 (wis)
0 lvl
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.

Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls.
Protection from Chaos: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.

Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.

Law: You cast law spells at +1 caster level.
Repose: You may use death touch once per day. If you touch your victim, roll 2d6. If this at least equals the victim's hit points, it dies.

---{ POWERS }---
---{ MANEUVERS }---
* Crusader / RKV initiator level = 6
* Crusader / RKV maneuvers known/readied = 7/3
* Crusader / RKV stances known = 3
Crusader's Strike (Devoted Spirit) (Strike Level 1): Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6 +1/initiator level.
Iron Guard's Glare (Devoted Spirit) (Stance Level 1): Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Vanguard Strike (Devoted Spirit) (Strike Level 1): Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
Thicket of Blades (Devoted Spirit) (Stance Level 3): 5-ft. steps provoke attacks from you.
Mountain Hammer (Stone Dragon) (Strike Level 2): Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
Douse the Flames (White Raven) (Strike Level 1): Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Leading the Attack (White Raven) (Strike Level 1): Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against foe you strike.
Leading the Charge (White Raven) (Stance Level 1): Allies deal +1 damage/initiator level on charge attacks.
Battle Leader’s Charge (White Raven) (Strike Level 2): As part of this maneuver, you charge an opponent. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving as part of this charge. If your charge attack hits, it deals an extra 10 points of damage
White Raven Tactics (White Raven) (Boost Level 3): When you use this maneuver, select an ally within range. Her initiative count immediately equals your initiative count –1. She then acts on her new initiative count as normal. If she has already acted in the current round, she can act again
Masterwork Greataxe +1 (20 GP + 300 GP + 2000 GP) 1d12 20/x3
TRUEDEATH CRYSTAL 1,000 gp (4th)(least)
Least: A weapon with this crystal attached deals an extra 1d6 points of damage to undead.

Greatclub (5GP) 1d10 20/x2

Masterwork Full Plate +1 (1650 GP + 1000 GP) AB+8 MDEX+1 ACP-5 MXSP20

CRYSTAL OF LIFEKEEPING 1,000 gp (4th) (lesser)
Lesser: +3 competence bonus on saving throws against energy drain attacks, inflict spells, death spells, and death effects.

CRYSTAL OF SCREENING 3,000 gp (greater)
Greater: This augment crystal imposes a - 10 penalty on touch attacks made against you by incorporeal creatures.

Explorer's Outfit (10 GP)

The Standard Adventurer's Kit (15 GP): Backpack, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope, 2 Sunroad, Trail Rations, Waterskin

Amulet of natural armor (+1) (2000 GP)

Sepulchral vest (2000 GP): immediate action - the vest grants you a +5 sacred bonus on saving throws against any effect generated by an undead creature until the start of your next round. This ability functions 3 times per day.

Anklet of translocation (1400 GP): Range 10', swift action activation. Works twice per day

Ring of the Sublime (2000 GP) +4 bonus to saves against fear

Healing belt (750 GP)

855 GP

Асиан Атч-ытагын

В игре
Автор:   Криптозоолог
Раса:   Эльф
Класс:   Стрелок
Мировоззрение:   Нейтральный добрый
Сила:0 [-5]
Ловкость:0 [-5]
Выносливость:0 [-5]
Интеллект:0 [-5]
Мудрость:0 [-5]
Обаяние:0 [-5]

Асиан эльфийский воин с суровых ледяных равнин севера. Его волосы белые как снег, а в глазах горит голубой огонь небес. Он вооружен огромным луком, сделанным из костей и китового уса. Кроме этого вооружен он большой острогой, вроде тех, которыми бьют моржей.
Характер у Асиана спокойный. Он нетороплив и слегка заторможен на взгляд человека. Что такое время для существа, живущего так долго. Слишком далеко находится он от понимания простых смертных.
Племя, в котором рос Асиан жило на ледяных равнинах Севера. Эльфы этого племени были очень далеки от всех воин и дел этого мира. Они выходили в холодное море и охотились на большую рыбу. Жили простым трудом в ледяных домах, которые строили своими рукам. Торговали с более цивилизованными родичами, приезжавшими в их поселения за шкурами, жиром, мехами. Однажды торговец эльф говорил с Асианом и рассказал ему о делах большого мира. Сильно удивился Асиан и решил пойти и посмотреть на все чудеса большого мира своими глазами. Решил он так и пошел.
Name: Asian
NG Male Snow Elf Cloistered Cleric 1/Ranger 3/Barbarian 1/Wildrunner 2 [ECL 7]
Medium Humanoid (Elf)

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR 14 = 14( 6)
DEX 19 = 16(10) +2(race) +1(HD)
CON 14 = 14( 6)
INT 14 = 14( 6)
WIS 12 = 12( 4)
CHA 6 = 8( 0) -2(race)

Init : +4 = +4(dex)
Speed: 50ft.
HP : 76 = 1d6+3d8+1d12+2d10+14

BAB : +6,5/+1 = 0,5 + 6
Grpl: +8 = 6(BAB) +2(str)
Trip: +2 = +2(str)

Bone Bow
AB: +15/+10 = 6(bab)+4(dex)+1(WF)+1(Enh)+2(bane)+1(competence)
Dam: 1d10+3(+4)+2d6 = 1d10(base)+2(str)+1(Enh)+1(electricity)+2d6(bane)

AB: +8/+2 = 6(bab)+2(Str)
Dam: 1d8+3 = 1d8(base)+3(Str*1.5)


Full : 18 = 10+4(dex)+4(armor)
Touch: 14 = 10+4(dex)
FlatF: 14 = 10+4(armor)

Fort: +7,00 (+9 with TB)= +2(con)+2(C)+1,5(R)+0,5(B)+1(WR)
Refl: +6,83(+9 with TB) = +4(dex)+0(C)+1,5(R)+0,33(B)+1(WR)
Will: +4,66 (+7 with TB) = +1(wis)+2(C)+1(R)+0,33(B)+0,33(WR)

---{ SKILLS 74=(6+2)*7+(4+2)*3 pts }---
Concentration +3 = 1(ranks)+2(Con)
Knowledge(the planes) +7 = 5(ranks)+2(Int)
Knowledge(religion) +11 = 9(ranks)+2(Int)
Knowledge(arcana) +10 = 8(ranks)+2(Int)
Knowledge(local) +8 = 6(ranks)+2(Int)
Knowledge(nature) +8 = 6(ranks)+2(Int)
Knowledge(dungeoneering) +3 = 1(ranks)+2(Int)
Listen +11 = 8(ranks)+1(Wis) +2 race
Survival +9 = 8(ranks)+1(Wis)
Hide +9 = 5(ranks)+4(Dex)
Move Silently +9 = 5(ranks)+4(Dex)
Spot +15 = 10(ranks)+1(Wis)+2 headband +2 race

Skill Trick - Collector of Stories

---{ FEATS }---
01[FLAW]: True Believer
01[FLAW]: Law Devotion
01[CLRB]: Knowledge Devotion
01[DOMB]: Weapon Focus(Longbow)
01[DOMB]: Point Blank Shot
01[HD01]: Precise Shot
02[RANB]: Track
03[RANB]: Rapid Shot
03[HD03]: Weapon Proficiency(Bone Bow)
05[RANB]: Endurance
06[HD06]: Extra Rage

---{ FLAWS }---

Cold-Blooded [General]
You were raised in the arctic and cannot tolerate heat.
Effect: You automatically fail all fortitude saves made to overcome the effects of high temperatures. Fire-based effects deal an additional 2 points of fire damage to you, per die of damage if applicable.
Northern wanderer
You cannot lie, and are disturbed when others do so.
Effect: You take -2 penalty to all social checks. You cannot make Bluff checks. Furthermore, any ally within sight of you takes a -5 penalty to Bluff checks.
Roleplaying Ideas: Perhaps you are compulsively honest, or perhaps you simply believe lying to be wrong. Your agitation makes it more likely others will detect falsehood.

---{ WILDRUNNER }---
[Ex] Trackless Step, You cannot be tracked in natural surroundings.
[Ex] Fast Movement, 10 feet while wearing light, medium, or no armor.
[Ex] Scent, You can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet;
[Su] Primal Scream, lasts 5 = 3 + 2 (Con). You can use 1 = 3 -2 (Cha). In this frenzy, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength and a +6 bonus to Dexterity. In addition, your jaw elongates and your teeth become razor-sharp; you gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage.

---{ BARBARIAN }---
ACF: Whirling Frenzy
[Ex] Whirling Frenzy - 3/day, temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves. While in a whirling frenzy, the barbarian may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus. This attack takes a –2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. A fit of rage lasts 5 = 3 + 2 (Con).
[Ex] Fast Movement, 10 feet while wearing light, medium, or no armor.

---{ RANGER }---
ACF: Champion of the Wild
[Ex] Favored Enemy – Undead (+2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures).
[Ex] Wild Empathy - 1d20-1
[Ex] Combat style - archery

---{ CLERIC }---
ACF: Cloistered Cleric
[Su] Turn Undead 1/day
[--] Domains: War, Elf, Knowledge -> Knowledge Devotion feat
[Ex] Lore 3 = 1+2(Int)

CL - 1
Spells Readied 3|1+1+1
0 - Guidance x3
1st - Blade of Blood, Blade of Blood, True Strike[d]

---{ Racial Traits }---
Medium creatures, snow elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Snow elf base land speed is 30 feet.
Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
Low-Light Vision: An snow elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Weapon Proficiency: snow elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it. An elf’s senses are so keen that she practically has a sixth sense about hidden portals.
Languages: Common, Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Orc.
---{ GEAR }---
Head Scout’s headband
Torso Chain shirt
Arms Bracers of Archery, Lesser
Ring (right)
Ring (left)

Bone Bow +1 – 2550
Least crystal оf Electricity Assault - 600
Quiver of Plenty на 90 стрел / день Value: 1,500 gp (non-magical)
Raptor Arrow 6006 (MiC, 56)
Scout’s headband - 3400
Bracers of Archery, Lesser - 5000

Chain shirt - 100
Longspear - 5

Набор путешественника, северного эльфа

Айртон фон Диффенбахер

В игре
Автор:   ZatriX
Раса:   Человек
Класс:   Rog3/Swb2/Barb1/Wbl1
Мировоззрение:   Хаотичный нейтральный
Сила:20 [+5]
Ловкость:14 [+2]
Выносливость:14 [+2]
Интеллект:14 [+2]
Мудрость:9 [-1]
Обаяние:8 [-1]
Начнем с того, что на самом деле Айртона, скорее всего, зовут совсем не Айртоном. И уж точно не фон Диффенбахером. А дело было так. Чета фон Диффенбахеров, весьма известных столичных археологов, в очередной раз отправилась в предгорья, раскапывать остатки чего-то, что там когда-то находилось. По слухам. У четы имелась древняя карта, упрямый мул и два дурнопахнущих проводника, один из которых умел говорить на общем, а другой приблизительно знал куда идти. На восемнадцатый день похода, археологи наткнулись на небольшую пещеру, в которой и решено было переночевать. При ближайшем рассмотрении в пещере обнаружился дохлый гризли и мальчик лет четырех-пяти, сосредоточенно тыкавший этого гризли кинжалом. Вскрытие гризли показало, что тот умер от переизбытка стрел в организме, а так же от несварения желудка, вызванного тем, что он пытался переварить некоего человека в кольчуге. Опознать человека не удалось, выяснить подробности произошедшего - тоже. Мальчику от шока отшибло память, и он не помнил не только что случилось в пещере, но и вообще кто он и откуда. Ничто человеческое археологам было не чуждо, а мальчик нуждался в медицинской помощи (помимо всего прочего у него была сломана рука и через все лицо тянулся след когтистой лапы), так что экспедицию по быстрому свернули и вернулись в столицу. Найти родных пацана фон Диффенбахерам не удалось, а собственных детей у них не было, хоть они и пытались. Поэтому, ничтоже сумняшеся, мальчика назвали Айртоном и усыновили.

Рос Айртон крепким и борзым, дворовых драк не чурался, скорее наоборот, счастливые родители в нем души не чаяли. Когда бывали дома, разумеется, что было не так часто - они постоянно мотались по всей стране, то по походам, то по лекциям и симпозиумам. Когда фон Диффенбахеру исполнилось 18, он покинул родительский дом и тоже , по примеру родителей, стал мотаться по городам и весям. Археология, правда, его интересовала лишь с точки зрения материальных ценностей, а в целом он задался целью попытаться разузнать, кто же он такой на самом деле.

Покуда его поиски, в одиночку ли, группой ли, результатов не принесли, хоть и прошло уже более десяти лет, но Айртон не отчаивается. Он по прежнему молод душой, страшен лицом и легок на подъем. И по прежнему периодически отсылает своим вышедшим на пенсию приемным родителям мешочки с золотыми.
Airton: Male Human(Silverbrow) Bbn1/Rog3/Swb2/Wbl1; CR 7;
Medium Humanoid (dragonblood, human);

HD 3d6+2d10+2d12+14; hp 76;

Init +6; Spd 30 ft/x4;

AC 19 (+6 armor, +1 shield, +2 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 17;

Base Atk/Grapple +6/+11;

Full Atk +11/+6 Two-handed (3d6+8;19-20/x2) +1 Greatsword;

SA&SQ Whirling Frenzy; Evasion(Ex); Sneak Attack; Penetrating Strike; Trapfinding(Ex); Grace(Ex); Dodge Bonus(Ex); Lion Spiritual Totem(Su); Battle Clarity(Ex); Weapon Aptitude(Ex);



Fort +14 (9 base + 5 Str), Ref +8 (4 base + 2 Dex +2 Misc), Will +1 (+2 base, -1 Wis);

Str 20 (+5)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 9 (-1)
Cha 8 (-1);;

–– SKILLS ––
Balance¹ +9
Climb¹ +10
Concentration¹ +12
Disable Device +12
Hide¹ +11
Jump¹ +11
Knowledge (local) +3
Move Silently¹ +10
Open Lock +11
Search¹ +12
Tumble +11;

× Base land speed of 30 feet.
× Bonus Feat: 1st level bonus feat
× Spell-like abilities (1/day unless otherwise specified): Feather Fall (3/day)
× +2 racial bonus on Disguise checks. Disguise is always a class skill.
× Favored Class: Any

× Proficient in light and medium armor, and all shields (except tower shields)
× Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with Hand Crossbow.
× Rage (Whirling Frenzy, UA): You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1 time per day. When a barbarian with whirling frenzy enters a rage, he temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves. While in a whirling frenzy, the barbarian may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a −2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the barbarian might make before his next action. You cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged. Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds.
× Evasion(Ex): On a successful Reflex save against a magical attack, you take no damage.
× Sneak Attack: Any time someone you attack is denied their Dexterity bonus to AC; or you are flanking them; you inflict an extra 3d6 damage. Ranged attacks must be within 30 feet to gain this; and this extra damage is not increased on a critical hit. Creatures that are immune to critical hits ignore this damage; as do creatures with concealment.
× Penetrating Strike: Any time you attack someone you are flanking that is normally immune to Sneak Attack damage; you still deal an extra 1d6 damage.
× Trapfinding(Ex): You can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a DC higher than 20. You can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps.
× Grace(Ex): When wearing light or no armor; and carrying a light load you gain a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves.
× Dodge Bonus(Ex): When wearing light or no armor; and carrying a light load you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against a designated foe.
× Lion Spiritual Totem(Su): You gain the pounce ability (MM 313).
× Battle Clarity(Ex): Unless flat-footed, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your Reflex saves.
× Weapon Aptitude(Ex): You are considered a level -1 fighter for purposes of qualifying for feats. Further, each morning you may spend 1 hour in weapon training to change the designated weapon for any feat that applies to a single weapon (such as Weapon Focus).

–– FEATS ––
HUM: × Able Learner(RoD 150) : Cross-class skills cost less per rank
FLW: × Improved Initiative(PH 96) : +4 bonus on initiative checks.
LVL01: × Power Attack(PH 98) : Trade attack bonus for damage (up to base attack bonus).
LVL03: × Improved Buckler Defense(CW 100) : Apply buckler's shield bonus to AC while using off-hand weapon.
SWB01:× Weapon Finesse(PH 102)² : Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on attack rolls with light melee weapons.
LVL06: × Daring Outlaw(CS 76) : Rogue and swashbuckler levels stack for grace, dodge bonus, and sneak attack.

–– FLAWS ––
× Shaky (UA Pg 91) : -2 on all ranged attack rolls.

× Warblade - Initiator Level: 4 Known: 3 Readied: 3 Stances: 1
+ Moment of Perfect Mind (R) (Diamond Mind) (Counter Level 1) (Pg 64) : Use Concentration check in place of Will save.
+ Steel Wind (R) (Iron Heart) (Strike Level 1) (Pg 69) : Attack two opponents.
+ Mountain Hammer (R) (Stone Dragon) (Strike Level 2) (Pg 84) : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+ Punishing Stance (Iron Heart) (Stance Level 1) (Pg 69) : Attacks deal +1d6 damage, but you have -2 to AC.
Greatsword +1: 2350gp, 8lbs
Mithral breastplate +1: 5200gp, 15lbs
Mwk Buckler: 165gp
Strongarm Bracers (MIC139): 6000gp, 1lb
Gauntlets of Ogre Power: 4000gp, 1lb
Mwk Thieve's tools: 100gp, 2lbs
Healing Belt: 750gp, 1lb
Everlasting Rations: 350gp
Adventurer's Kit: 50gp


Potion of Barkskin

Exp: 1000 (nerubs)
Current Health: 76-40+33=69

Воин Света

В игре
Автор:   Petrovna
Раса:   Человек
Класс:   Cleric 6 / radiant servant of Pelor 1
Мировоззрение:   Нейтральный добрый
Сила:18 [+4]
Ловкость:10 [+0]
Выносливость:14 [+2]
Интеллект:8 [-1]
Мудрость:10 [+0]
Обаяние:14 [+2]
Отец мой сияет с небес на все сущее, обаче тени ложатся там, куда не достигнут лучи его. В эти тени иду я смело, аще вера в небесный свет освещает поступь мою. Клянусь, да будет путь мой прям и светел, яко луч отца моего. Клянусь выявлять зло и нежить, в тенях таящие, и светоч карающий нести.
NG Human Male
Medium humaniod (human)
Cleric 6 [PhB] / Radiant Servant of Pelor [CD]
Deity: Pelor

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR 15(08) + 1(HD) + 2(ench) = 18(+4)
DEX 10(02) = 10(+0)
CON 14(06) = 14(+2)
INT 08(00) = 08(-1)
WIS 16(10) = 16(+3)
CHA 14(06) = 14(+2)

Init : +0
Speed: 30ft. (20ft in armor
HP : 68=6d8+1d6+14

BAB : +5
Grpl: 9 = 5(BAB) + 4(str)

[+ 1 Heavy Mace +11 melee 1d8+5 (20/x2)]
Attack Bonus: +5(BAB) + 3(str) + 1(feat) + 1(enh)
Damage: 1d8 + 4(str) + 1(feat)
[mwk Longsword +10 melee 1d8+4 (19-20/x2)]
Attack Bonus: +5(BAB) + 4(str)
Damage: 1d8 + 4(str)

Full : 24 = 10 + 10(armor) + 3(shield) +1 (defl)
Touch: 11 = 10 + 1(defl)
FlatF: 24 = 10 + 10(armor) + 3(shield) +1 (defl)

Fort: +9 = 7(base fractional) +2(con)
Refl: +2 = 2(base fractional)
Will: +10 = 7(base fractional) +3(wis)

---{ SKILLS / 8+2*6}---
-5 Balance = 0(dex) -5 (ACP)
-5 Climb = 4(str) -5(ACP)
08 Concentration = 6(ranks)+2(con)
-6 Escape Artist = 0(dex) -5(ACP) -1 (trait)
08 Heal =5(ranks)+3(wis)
-5 Hide = 0(dex) -5 (ACP)
-7 Jump = 4(str) -10 (ACP*2) -1 (speed)
08 Knowledge (religion) = 9(ranks)-1(int)
-1 Listen = 3(wis) -4 (flaw)
-5 Move Silently = 0(dex) -5 (ACP)
-1 Spot = 3(wis) -4(flaw)
-6 swim = 4(str) – 10 (ACP*2)

---{ FEATS }---
1HD: Extra Turning(PH 94) : Can turn or rebuke 4 more times per day.
Human: Quicken Turning(LM 29) : Can turn undead as a free action
Flaw: Healing Devotion(CC 59) : Gain or grant fast healing for 1 minute
3HD: Weapon Focus(PH 102) (Mace, Heavy) : +1 bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon.
6HD Heavy Armor Optimization(RoS 141) : Reduce armor check penalty by 1 and increase armor bonus by 1

–– TRAITS ––
× Stout (UA Pg 90) : +2 on Strength checks made to avoid being bull rushed or overrun. -1 on Escape Artist checks.
–– FLAWS ––
× Inattentive (UA Pg 91) : -4 on Listen and Spot checks.

× Proficient in all armor, and all shields (except tower shields)
× Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
× Aura of Good(Ex): You have a strong aura of Good.
× Spontaneous Casting: Can spontaneously cast Cure spells; by sacrificing a pre-prepared spell of equal or higher level.
× Restricted Spells: cannot cast Evil spells.
× Turn Undead(Su): Can turn undead 9 times per day. A turning check is made on 1d20+6; turning damage is equal to 3d6+9 on a successful check.
× Domains:
+ Glory: Turn undead with a +2 bonus on turning check and +1d6 on the turning damage roll.
+ Healing: You cast healing spells at +1 caster level.
× Radiance: When you cast a spell with the light descriptor; the radius of illumination is doubled; and the spell is treated as if it were one level higher than it actually is for all purposes; including determining whether it can counter or dispel a spell with the darkness descriptor.
× Extra Greater Turning: You can perform a greater turning 5 times per day.

Save DC = 13 + Spell Level
CL 7 (9 for cure spells, 8 for [healing] spells, 8 for [light] spells)
turns 9/9 (greater 5/5)
wand of vigor 49/50
1(5+1): Ray of Hope (BoED), resurgence, resurgence, Shield of faith, Divine Favor; Disrupt undead (D)
2(4+1): Consecrate, Benediction (CCh), Divine Protection (SpC), Light of Mercuria (SpC), Bless Weapon (D)
3(3+1): Close Wounds (MiH), Light of Venya (SPC), Vigor, Mass lesser; Searing light (D)
4(1+1): Undead Bane Weapon; Holy Smite (D)
Save DC = 13 + Spell Level
CL 7 (9 for cure spells, 8 for [healing] spells, 8 for [light] spells)

Throat Reliquary Holy Symbol of Pelor + precasted Continual Flame 1050 gp
Hands Gauntlets of Ogre Power 4000 gp
Ring (right) of Protection +1 2000 gp
Ring (left) of Mystic Healing 3500 gp (+1 clvl to Cure spells, 3 charges 2d6 / 3d6 / 4d6 hp to next cure spell, swift (command))
Feet boots of Landing 500 gp (land on your feet, -2d6 to falling damage)

Traveler’s outfit 1 gp

Backpack, blanket, stuff

[Alchemical Items]
Holy Water x2 50 gp
Spell component pouch 5 gp

+1 Heavy Mace 2312 gp + темляк (фриэкшн на освободить руку, свифт экшн на подобрать обратно) + precasted Celestial Brilliance (60 ft radius of bright light damages undead 1d6 / round)
Mwk Longsword 315 gp

+1 Full Plate 2650 gp + restful crystal 500 gp
+1 Heavy Steel Shield 1170

Wand of vigor, lesser 750gp


Carrying Capacity 100 / 200/ 300
Total Weight: ~85 pounds
Money: 190 gp.


В игре
Автор:   Gven Morange
Раса:   Undead elf
Класс:   Ranger
Мировоззрение:   Принципиальный нейтральный
Сила:18 [+4]
Ловкость:14 [+2]
Выносливость:14 [+2]
Интеллект:10 [+0]
Мудрость:14 [+2]
Обаяние:8 [-1]
Сначала предводитель эльфов, потом баньши, Сильвана унаследовала у первой ипостаси выскомерие, а у второй стервозность. Познав на себе тленность бытия, она поняла, что у нее нет времени на игры и готова отдать все что угодно для того чтобы свершилась месть.
Когда-то Сильвана Ветрокрылая была храбрым Предводителем следопытов Луносвета и командиром армий высших эльфов. Но во время Третьей Войны принц Артас во главе армии нежити вторгся в эльфийское королевство Кель'Талас. Сильвана бросила все свои силы против орды живых мертвецов Плети, но в конечном итоге была повержена Рыцарем Смерти и превращена в послушную рабыню-банши.

Проклятая и лишённая свободны воли, Сильвана вынуждена была служить своему хозяину до тех пор, пока Король-Лич не ослабел настолько, что более не мог её контролировать. Восстав против Плети, Тёмная Госпожа и её мятежники - Отрёкшиеся - захватили Подгород, провозгласив себя свободными и независимыми. Она вернула себе свою физическую форму, но её тело всё ещё несёт в себе проклятие нежити, а потому прежняя жизнь для неё недоступна.

Теперь Сильвана мечтает лишь об одном – найти и уничтожить Артаса, которого ненавидит больше всего на свете, а также Короля-Лича, чтобы отомстить за своё проклятие и принести окончательную свободу своим подданным.
Alignment CN
Female Elf
Age 150
Size M
Class Ranger 5 / Deadgrim 2

STR 16(10)+2(race)+1(4lvl) =19(+4)
DEX 14(06) =14(+2)
CON 14(06) =14(+2)
INT 12(04)-2(race) =10(+0)
WIS 14(06) =14(+2)
CHA 08(00) =08(-1)

Init : +2 = 2(Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
HP : 66 = 6 + 6 + 8*5 + 7*2
BAB : +7

To hit with Bow of Wintermoon Ranged:
Basic attack: 12=7(BAB)+4(STR)+1(BOW)
Rapid shot
+1 Point Blank shot (if <30ft)
+1 vs Undead / Evil Outsiders (Spirit pouch)
Damage: 1d8+5 Piercing 20/x2
+1 Point Blank shot (if <30ft)
+13 + 2d6 vs Undead = +6 Ranger + 2 (Deadgrim) + 3 (Feat) + 2(Pouch) + 1d6(Nemesis) + 1d6(Truedeath crystal)
+7 vs Evil Outsiders = +2 Ranger + 3 Feat + 2 Pouch

Full AC: 19 = 10+2(DEX)+6(ARMOR)+1(Buckler)
Touch : 12
FlatF : 17

FORT: 10 = 4.5(RAN) + 0.66(DG) + 4(STR) + 1(Cloack)
WILL: 07 = 1.66(RAN) + 3(DG) + 2(WIS) + 1(Cloack)
REFL: 08 = 4.5(RAN) + 0.66(DG) + 2(DEX) + 1(Cloack)
Immunity to sleep spells and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
+2 bonus on saves made to resist the effects of poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death from massive damage

---{ SKILLS / 58 + 8 = (32+6+6+8+6)RAN + (4*2)DG}---

10 Knowledge Religion 4(RAN) + 6(DG)
08 Knowledge Nature 8(RAN)
08 Knowledge Dungeoneering 8(RAN)
15 Search 8(RAN)+ 2 (Racial) + 5 (Goggles)
14 Spot 8(RAN) + 2(DG) + 2(WIS) + 2 (Racial)
12 Listen 8(RAN) + 2(WIS)+ 2 (Racial)
10 Disable Device 8(RAN) + 2(DEX)
02 Skill Trick Collector of Stories

01[FLAW]: Noncombatant
01[PHB]: Point blank shot
01[BoED]: Nemesis (Undead)
02[PHB]: Rapid shot (Ranger bonus feat)
03[PHB]: Precise shot
03[PHB]: Endurance (Ranger bonus feat)
06[CW]: Improved favored enemy

+2 Str, -2 Int.
Immunity to sleep spells and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
Low-light vision.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.

[Ranger:Elf ranger substitution[RotW], lvl 01 (+3 vs Undead instead of +2);
Spiritual Connection[CC], lvl01 (Replaces: This benefit replaces the wild empathy class feature.
Benefit: You can use speak with animals and speak with plants, as the spells (caster level equals your ranger level). You can use any combination of these effects up to three times per day. These are spell-like abilities with caster level equal to your character level);
Trap Expert[DnS], lvl01 (Replaces: If you select this alternative class feature, you do not gain the Track feat at 1st level or the swift tracker ability at 8th level.
Benefit: You gain the trapfinding ability of the rogue. In addition, you gain Disable Device as a class skill. You can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and you can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps);
Distracting Attack(PHB2), lvl04 (Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain an animal companion.
Benefit: Beginning at 4th level, whenever you hit an enemy with a weapon attack (whether melee or ranged), that enemy is considered flanked by you for the purpose of adjudicating your allies' attacks. For example, if your rogue ally attacked that enemy, not only would she gain a +2 bonus on her melee attack roll but she could also add her sneak attack damage to a successful melee attack)]

Evil outsiders
Combat Style: Archery

Deadened flesh (+2 bonus on saves made to resist the effects of poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death from massive damage)
voice of the damned (+2 Intimidate, -2 Diplomacy)
Damage sustained 8
Expirience gained 1000

Spells (2)
Ligtfoot [You provoke no attacks of opportunity when moving]
Blockade [You call a cube of solid wood, 5 feet on a side, into being]

---{ GEAR }---
Shoulders Cloak of Resistance +1
Torso Mithral Breastplate +1
Hands Bow + Buckler

Mithral Brastplate +1 5200
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000
Bow of the Wintermoon (3400)
Truedeath crystal 1000
thieves' tools, mwk 100
Quiver of Plenty (90 стрел в день) 1500
Quiver of Adamantine arrows (15) 900
Quiver of Sacred arrows (20) 800
Mundane arrows (100) 5
Wand of Cure Light wounds 750
Goggles of Minute Seeing 1250
Darkwood Buckler 215
Everlasting rations 350
Сумка со всякой шнягой: кремень, огниво, зеркальце, расческа, зубная щетка, чернильница,
презерватив вроде целый, чернильница непроливайка с пером, ножик, бритва, щетка
425 gold

[ NERUBS first encounter
Potions x3:
Wands: 2 different
Scroll of something

banded agate (worth 11 gp)
deep blue spinel (worth 400 gp)
fire opal (worth 1000 gp)
obsidian (worth 9 gp)
rock crystal (clear quartz) (worth 20 gp)]

Адам Сильверхарт

В игре
Автор:   Diana
Раса:   Человек
Класс:   Друид
Мировоззрение:   Нейтральный
Сила:10 [+0]
Ловкость:16 [+3]
Выносливость:12 [+1]
Интеллект:12 [+1]
Мудрость:19 [+4]
Обаяние:10 [+0]
Описание заклинаний
Раз в тысячу лет в новолуние первого месяца зимы, когда горные духи смежают веки, а ломкий свет Луны осыпается на землю серебряным снегом, есть безымянный миг, что не измерит даже волшебный песок в часах древнего чародея. Глухо ухнет столетний филин, вспенится быстрая река, ночь скроет золотой песок звёзд в траурной вуали облаков, и каждое, даже самое смелое сердце, пропустит один удар. Но уже в следующее мгновение на лице спящего появится улыбка, облегчённо вздохнет стоящий на посту стражник, задержавший дыхание маг вновь склонится над свитком, выводя руны нового заклинания, а стены притаившейся меж заснеженных гор хижины огласит плач крошечного человечка, волею богов вышедшего на тропу жизни в безымянный миг...
Но этот сказ не о нём, ибо секундой ранее в соседнем городе, в семье черноокой Рахиль и ростовщика Платинсона случилось куда более значимое для нашей истории событие. А именно рождение первенца - прекрасного, как мама и умного, как папа.
Малыш рос на диво смышленый. К трём годам освоил счёт, к четырём азбуку, а в пять ловко обыгрывал в ножички не только соседских мальчуганов, но и семинаристов духовной академии, в которую, как известно, кого попало не берут. Годом позже, когда горожане, вложившие в дело Платинсона последнее, пришли к каменным хоромам с факелами и вилами, они обнаружили, что от ростовщика и его жены след простыл (свидетели утверждают, что чета покинула город через северные, западные и восточные ворота одновременно). Лишь в грубо сколоченной деревянной кроватке сном ангела спал одетый в простую рубашонку мальчонка.
Сколь бы ни были добры сердцем горожане, однако ж не нашлось среди них того, кто взялся бы усыновить сына ростовщикова. Но и зверями лютыми они ни были, а потому не отдали ребенка свиньям на растерзание, а продали бродячим друидам, что шли пёстрым караваном, предлагая за малых детей серебряную монету.
Наставник мальчику попался справедливый, но строгий. Где лозой, а где и розгой он указывал ребенку верный путь, прививая любовь к природе и ненависть к её отсутствию. Дальнейшие приключение юного Платинсона (к тому времени взявшего имя Сильверхарт) включали, но не ограничивались спасением хоббитов из горящей избы в облике орла, изничтожением пробуждённого во льдах гигантского спрута, а также воспитанием ручного динозавра Вениамина, подобранного в джунглях в младенчестве и откормленного из бутылочки (каких усилий это потребовало - разговор отдельный, поначалу мерзкая ящерица требовала мяса и норовила укусить). Не хватало лишь эффектной точки, заслуги, которую не стыдно предъявить не только собратьям-друидам, но и простому люду, никогда не бывавшему в джунглях и не подозревающему, как трудно там найти молоко.
И вот однажды возможность предоставилась...
Name: Adam Silverheart
Medium Humanoid;
Race: Human;
Class: Druid 7;
Alignment: Neutral.
Experience: 22033/28000

STR 10 [+0]
DEX 16 [+3]
CON 12 [+1]
INT 12 [+1]
WIS 19 [+4] (16 + 1 lvl 4 + 2[ITEM])
CHA 10 [+0]
Init: +3 (+3 DEX)
HP: 63 = 1d8x7 + 1x7 CON
BAB: +5
AC: 17 (touch 13, flat-footed 14) = 10 base + 3 DEX + 4AC
Attack: +9 melee (1d6, slashing, 18-20x2), +8 ranged

Fort +7 (+11 against abberations) = +5 base + 1 CON + 1 ITEM
Ref +6 (+10 against abberations)= +2 base + 3 DEX + 1 ITEM
Will +10 (+14 against abberations) = +5 base + 4 WIS + 1 ITEM

Languages: Common, druidic, celestial

SKILLS (6x10=60):
Balance + 3 = + 0 ranks + 3 [DEX]
Concentration + 9 = + 8 ranks + 1 [CON]
Escape Artist + 3 = + 0 ranks + 3 [DEX]
Handle Animal + 8 = + 8 ranks + 0 [CHA]
Heal + 4 = + 0 ranks + 4 [WIS]
Hide + 3 = + 0 ranks + 3 [DEX]
Jump + 0 = + 0 ranks + 0 [STR]
Knowledge Arcana + 6 = 5 ranks + 1 [INT]
Knowledge Architecture and engineering + 2 = 1 ranks + 1 [INT]
Knowledge Dungeoneering + 10 = 7 ranks + 1 [INT] + 2[FEAT]
Knowledge Nature + 6 = 5 ranks + 1 [INT]
Knowledge Religion + 3 = 2 ranks + 1 [INT]
Knowledge the Planes + 8 = 5 ranks + 1 [INT] + 2[FEAT]
Listen + 4 = + 0 ranks + 4 [WIS]
Move Silently + 0 = + 0 ranks + 3 [DEX]
Ride + 5 = + 0 ranks + 3 [DEX] + 2 [SYNERGY]
Search + 1 = + 0 ranks + 1 [INT]
Sense Motive + 4 = + 0 ranks + 4 [WIS]
Spellcraft + 12 = + 9 ranks + 1 [INT] + 2 [SYNERGY]
Spot + 12 = + 8 ranks + 4 [WIS]
Survival + 6 = + 0 ranks + 4 [WIS] + 2 [SYNERGY]
Swim + 0 = + 0 ranks + 0 [STR]
Use Rope + 3 = + 0 ranks + 3 [DEX]

Collector of stories (Complete scoundrel стр.85)

Education (player's guide to Faerun стр.38, lvl 1)
Companion Spellbond (player's handbook 2, стр.77, human)
Fiery burst (complete mage, стр.43, lvl 3, 1d6/lvl, 30 ft, 5-feet burst, reflex half DC 18)
Natural spell (lvl 6)

Extra feat;
+1 skill point.

Animal companion (fleshraker dinosaur).
Root Walker (Dingeonscape, стр.9): Lose Woodland Stride, Resist Nature's Lure, and Wild Empathy. Gain Wild Empathy towards vermin; move over earth, stone, and rock debris; and +4 bonus on saving throws against spell-like abilities of abberations.
Trackless step.
Wildshape 3/day (small, medium).

SPELLS (6/5/4/3/2, caster level 7 (8 fire), DC 14 + spell level ):
Level 0: create water, detect magic x1, light x2, read magic.
Level 1: entangle, eyes of the avoral (book of exalted deeds стр.99), foundation of stone (spell compendium), spider hand (book of vile darkness стр.104), wood wose (spell compendium).
Level 2: bodyward (complete champion стр.117), flash-freeze (frostburn стр.94), soften earth and stone, splinterbolt (spell compendium)
Level 3: heart of water (complete mage стр.107), ice lance (spell compendium), resist energy mass (spell compendium)
Level 4: flame strike, wall of water (sandstorm стр. 128)

Weapon and armor:
Masterwork scimitar - 115
Dagger - 2
Studded leather +1 - 1025
Mithril chainshirt (Вениамина) +1 - 2200
Crystal of lifekeeping lesser (на Вениамине) - 1000

Periapt of wisdom +2 (throat ) - 4.000
Lesser Metamagic Rod (sculpting) - 3000
Bag of holding - 2500
Gloves of the starry sky (hands) - 1.100
Cloak of resistance +1 - 1000
Healing belt (waist) - 750
Wand of lesser vigor - 750 (43 заряда осталось)
Everlasting rations x2 - 700
Everfull mug - 200

Backpack - 2gp
Explorer's outfit x2 - 10 gp
Rope, silk - 10 gp
Bedroll - 5 gp
Climber's kit - 80 gp
Flint&Steel - 1 gp
Soap - 5 sp
Pouch, belt - 1gp
Spell component pouch - 5 gp
Sunrod x2 - 4 gp
Waterskin - 1 gp
Расчёски, миски, ложки, поварёшки - бесценны

Alchemists's fire x4 - 80 gp
Antitoxin x2 - 100 gp
Smokestick x2 - 40 gp

Материальные компоненты:
50-gp clear quartz gemstone (для ice lance)

Итого: 18630
Осталось: 370

Рено Джексон

В игре
Автор:   Thaliorne
Раса:   Эльф
Класс:   Wiz3/MS4
Мировоззрение:   Хаотичный нейтральный
Сила:10 [+0]
Ловкость:16 [+3]
Выносливость:12 [+1]
Интеллект:23 [+6]
Мудрость:8 [-1]
Обаяние:8 [-1]
Эльф очень косящий под человека. ( вплоть до того что прорастил себе волосы на лице)

Тут для ДМа всякое нужное
Name: Рено Джексон


Банедор Маллеус

В игре
Автор:   Norther
Раса:   Человек
Класс:   Жрец
Мировоззрение:   Нейтральный
Сила:0 [-5]
Ловкость:0 [-5]
Выносливость:0 [-5]
Интеллект:0 [-5]
Мудрость:0 [-5]
Обаяние:0 [-5]
Всякие хитрые, умные, хитроумные устройства и конструкции - вот предмет интереса Банедора. Иногда и сам не прочь молотом в кузне постучать, но изготовить что-то сильно сложнее подковы или гвоздей - не его талант. Ему интереснее понять, как это работает и, предоставив все требуемые данные, оставить возню исполнителям. Недолюбливает предметы, которые работают просто "потому что магия!" Хотя в некоторых областях магии и поднаторел.
Начинал как подмастерье кузнеца, но перспектива провести всю жизнь в кузне недостаточно манила. Некоторое время метался между разными организациями, декларирующими приверженность знаниям и ремеслу. Но так как идеологическая нагрузка всюду рано или поздно вылезала и все портила, то нашел себя в служении Гонду, постулаты которого никак не декларировали способов и методов использования творений - ясно же, что любую вещь можно использовать для совершенно разных целей, у кого на что повернутость! Прослышав про возвращение летающей крепости и отправку очередной экспедиции, присоединился в надежде узнать секреты полета и управления таким внушительным строением.
TN Human Male
Medium humaniod
Cleric 7 [PhB]
Deity: Gond [F&P 25]

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR 15(+2) = 14(06) + 1(HD)
DEX 12(+1) = 12(04)
CON 12(+1) = 12(04)
INT 14(+2) = 14(06)
WIS 14(+2) = 14(06)
CHA 14(+2) = 14(06)

Init : +1
Speed: 30ft. (20ft in heavy armor)
HP : 63 [7d8 +7 Con]

BAB : +5
Grapple: +7 = +5(BAB) + 2(str)
to trip: +11 = +5(BAB) + 2(str) +4 feat
Grapple +12, to trip 14 with Divine Power

1) +9 melee (+5 BAB +2 Str +1 encantcement +1 wf) +1 greathammer, 2d6+4, 19-20/x4 (+2*1,5 Str +1 ench)
2) +7 melee touch (+5 BAB +2 Str )
3) +14/+9 melee (+7 BAB +5 Str +1 encantcement +1 wf) +1 greathammer, 2d6+7, 19-20/x4 (+5*1,5 Str +1 ench) with Divine power
4) +12 melee touch (+7 BAB +5 Str ) unarmed with Divine power

Full : 20 = 10 + 9(armor) +1 dex
Touch: 11 = 10 +1 dex
FlatF: 19 = 10 + 9(armor)

DR 10/evil with Channeled Divine Shield casted

Fort: +9 = 5(Clr7) +2 str +2 resistance
Ref: +6 = 2(Clr7) +2 int +2 resistance
Will: +9 = 5(Clr7) +2 wis +2 resistance

---{ SKILLS 36=16+4*5}---
+12 Knowledge (religion) = 10(ranks) +2 int
+11 Concentration = 10(ranks)+1(con)
+07 Knowledge (arcana) = 5(ranks) +2 int
+10 Spellcraft = 8(ranks) +2 int
+09 Knowledge (planes) = 7 ranks +2 int

---{ FEATS }---
FLW:Persistent spell[CA 81]
FLW:Divine Metamagic(Persistent spell)[CD]
DBF:Exotic Weapon Proficiency (greathammer)
DBF:Weapon Focus(greathammer)
DBF:Extend Spell
HD1:Combat Expertise
RBF:Extra Turning
HD3:Improved Trip

–– TRAITS ––
–– FLAWS ––
× Murky-Eyed [UA 91] : roll misschance twice vs concealment.
× Inattentive [UA 91] : You take a –4 penalty on Listen checks and Spot checks

× Proficient in all armor, and all shields (except tower shields)
× Proficient with all simple weapons.
× Spontaneous Casting: Can spontaneously cast Cure spells; by sacrificing a pre-prepared spell of equal or higher level.
× Turn Undead(Su): Can turn undead 5 (3+2 Cha) times per day. (3 +2 Cha +2 holy symbol +4 nightstick +4 feat = 15 times total)
× Domains:
+ Metal[PGF 88]: gain Martial or Exotic Weapon Proficiency & Weapon Focuf with choosen Hammer.
+ Planning[CW 115]: gain Extend Spell as bonus feat.
Save DC = 12 + Spell Level
CL 7

HP 46/63

0(6): : Detect Evil; Light; 2xDetect Magic; Mending; Cure Minor Wounds
1(5+1): Bless, Protection from Evil; Shield of Faith, 2xLesser Vigor; Magic Weapon (d)
2(3+1): #Spiritual Weapon; Restoration, Lesser; Augury (d)
3(2+1): *Channeled Divine Shield (PH2); Grace (SC 107); Keen Edge(d)
4(1+1): *Divine Power; Rusting Grasp(d)

*casted with persistance metamagic feat

Throat Reliquary Holy Symbol of Gond
Torso Vest of resistance +2

Cloth, backpack, blanket, stuff 15 gp
Spell component pouch 5 gp
Trial bar [CS 111] x20 20 gp
casting runes (Augury focus) 25 gp

+1 greathammer[MM4 101] 2330 gp 30 lb
5x javelins 5 gp 10 lb

+1 Full Plate 2650 gp 50 lb
restful crystal 500 gp

Vest of resistance +2 4000 gp
Reliquary Holy Symbol of Gond [MiC 120] 1000 gp
Wand of vigor, lesser 50/50, 750 gp
Nightstick [LM 78] 7500 gp
Everful Mug [MiC 160] 200 gp


Carrying Capacity 66(153)/133(306)/200(460)
Total Weight: ~85 pounds
Money: 0 gp.

Ili dan

В игре
Автор:   sh
Раса:   ?
Класс:   я обрёл истинную силу!!
Мировоззрение:   Хаотичный добрый
Сила:0 [-5]
Ловкость:0 [-5]
Выносливость:0 [-5]
Интеллект:0 [-5]
Мудрость:0 [-5]
Обаяние:0 [-5]
Name: Ili Dan
Alignment _CG_ Race _ Illumian (Uurkrau) _ Gender _male_
Size Type _Medium_
Cloistered Cleric1/Binder 3/ SwordSage 1/Figthter1 (hit and run tactik) /Chameleon 1

----{ ABILITIES / }---
11 STR....11 -.....0
28 DEX....17 + 1( 4lv ) + 4(unnamed binder - paimon) +6(ench bite of wererat)....-......4(9)
14 CON....12 + 2(ench bite of wererat) -......1
14 INT....14 ....-......2
14 WIS....14....-......2
08 CHA....08....-......-1

Init : +19 = +9 (Dex) + 1(unnamed SwS) + 2(unnamed hit and run) +2 (unnamed uur sigil illumian)+ 5 (competence Primal Instinct)
Speed: 30 (30 base, light armor) + 30(ench haste) = 60
HP : d6 + 3d8 + d8 + d10 +1d8 + 7*2 (max)= 62

BAB : 0.5+0.75*3+0.75+1+0.75=5.25
Grpl: +5

Sword, Short:
A: 9(dex) + 5(bab) +1(ench) + 1(unnamed weapon focus) + 1(unnamed haste) + ?(insight knowledge devotion) = 17 + ?
D: 1d6 + 1(ench) + 9(dex) (unnamed shadow blade) + ?(insight knowledge devotion) = 1d6+10 +?
ff D: 1d6 + 1(ench) + 9(dex) (unnamed shadow blade) + 9(comp dex hit and run) + ?(insight knowledge devotion) = 1d6+19 +?


Full: 10 + 9 (dex) + 2 (shield) + 2(armor) +3(nat ench bite of wererat) +1(dodge haste) -1 (flaw) = 26 +2ac (ranged)
FF: 26 (Improved Uncunny Dodge - paimon binder + primal Hunter, Instinct) +2ac (ranged)
T: 19 +2ac (ranged)

Fort: 2.5 + 0.5*3 + 0.5 + 0.(3) + 0.(3) + 2(con) + 2(divine focus) = 9.1(6) = 9
Refl: 0.(3) + 0.(3)*3 + 2.5 + 0.(3) + 0.(3) + 9(dex) = 13.5 = 13
Will: 2.5 + 0.5*3 + 0.(3) + 0.5 + 0.(3) + 2(wis) + 2(divine focus)= 9.1(6) = 9

---{ SKILLS 32 + 4 + 4 + 4+ 8 + 4 + 6}---
Appraise INT 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Balance DEX* 10 = 9+ 0+ 1
Bluff CHA 7 =-1+ 8+ 0
Climb STR* 4 = 0+ 0+ 4(competence Primal Hunter)
Concentration CON 12 = 2+10+ 0
Craft skills… INT 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Diplomacy CHA 1 =-1+ 0+ 2
Disguise CHA 7 =-1+ 8+ 0
Escape Artist DEX* 10 = 9+ 0+ 1
Forgery INT 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Gather Information CHA -1 =-1+ 0+ 0
Heal WIS 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Hide DEX* 10 = 9+ 0+ 1
Intimidate CHA 5 =-1+ 4+ 2
Jump STR* 15 = 0+ 0+15(competence Primal Hunter)
Knowledge (arcana) INT 4 = 2+ 2+ 0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)INT 4 = 2+ 2+ 0
Knowledge (local) INT 3 = 2+ 1+ 0
Knowledge (nature) INT 4 = 2+ 2+ 0
Knowledge (religion) INT 14 = 2+10+ 2(divine focus)
Knowledge (the planes) INT 7 = 2+ 5+ 0
Listen WIS 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Move Silently DEX* 10 = 9+ 0+ 1
Perform skills ... CHA -1 =-1+ 0+ 0
Perform dance CHA 3 =-1+ 0+ 4(paimon)
Ride DEX 10 = 9+ 0+ 1
Search INT 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Sense Motive WIS 6 = 2+ 4+ 0
Skill Tricks 1 = 0+ 2+ 0
Spellcraft INT 6 = 2+ 4+ 0
Spot WIS 2 = 2+ 0+ 0
Survival WIS 7 = 2+ 0+ 5(competence Primal Instinct)
Swim STR** 3 = 0+ 0+ 3(competence Primal Hunter)
Tumble DEX* 16 = 9+ 0+ 7(4 paimon)
Use Rope DEX 10 = 9+ 0+ 1

  • Collector of Stories (Mental)(Pg 85) : Gain +5 bonus on Knowledge checks to identify monsters.

–– FEATS ––
  • (domain)Extend Spell(PH 94) : Double spell's duration.
  • (subst domian)Knowledge Devotion(CC 60) : Gain bonuses on attack rolls and damage rolls against specific creature types based on your knowledge of them
  • (1 lvl)Able Learner(RoD 150) : Cross-class skills cost less per rank
  • (flv)Divine Metamagic(CD 80) (Persistent Spell) : Spend turn/rebuke attempts to enhance spells with a metamagic feat.
  • (flv)Persistent Spell(CAr 81) : Fixed or personal range spells last 24 hours
  • (3 lvl)Improved Binding(TM 74):Your effective binder level is 2 higher for the purposes of determining how powerful a vestige you can bind.
  • (paimon)Whirlwind Attack(PH 102) : One melee attack against each opponent within reach.
  • (sws)Weapon Focus(PH 102) (Dagger; Sword, Short; Sai; Siangham; Unarmed Strike; Chain, Spiked) : +1 bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon.
  • (6 lvl)Shadow Blade(ToB 32) : Add Dex mod to melee damage rolls with Shadow Hand weapons.
  • (fgh)HZ

–– FLAWS ––
  • Shaky (UA Pg 91) : -2 on all ranged attack rolls.
  • Vulnerable (UA Pg 91) : -1 to AC.

  • Base land speed of 30 feet.
  • Luminous Sigils (Su): The sigils that orbit your head glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle.
  • Glyphic Resonance (Ex): You interact strangely with symbol-based spells.
  • Power Sigils (Su): One or more of your sigils glows brightly and provides certain bonuses.
    Krau ("magic"): +2 bonus to caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities (up to a maximum value equal to the illumian's character level).
    Uur ("grace"): +2 bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-based skill checks.
  • Illumian Words (Su): Combinations of power sigils make an Illumian word of great power granting extra abilities.
    Uurkrau: The illumian can use her Dexterity score to determine the bonus spells she gains for a high ability score, instead of the normal ability score used by her class to determine this feature. If she has more than one spellcasting class, she may use her Dexterity score in place of any or all of the ability scores used by her classes for this purpose.
  • Final Utterance (Ex): At death your body releases the stored Illumian language for 1 round per Hit Die.
  • +2 racial bonus on saves vs spells with the shadow descriptor.
  • Superior Literacy: Illumians are always literate. Speak Language is always a class skill.
  • Favored Class: Any

  • Proficient in all armor, and all shields (except tower shields)(Fighter hit-and-run) light armor
  • Proficient with all simple and martial weapons.

    Cloistered cleric (1)
  • Lore(Ex): You possess a special Knowledge skill for stray bits of trivia. This Knowledge check is 1d20+0
  • Spontaneous Casting: Can spontaneously cast Cure spells; by sacrificing a pre-prepared spell of equal or higher level.
  • Restricted Spells: cannot cast Lawful or Evil spells.
  • Turn Undead(Su): Can turn undead 2+2+4 times per day. A turning check is made on 1d20+1; turning damage is equal to 2d6+0 on a successful check.
  • Domains:
    + Planning: Free Extend Spell feat.
    + Trickery: Bluff, Disguise, and Hide have been added to your list of cleric class skills.
    + Knowledge -> Knowledge devotion feat

    Binder (3)
  • Soul Binding(Su): You can make a pact with up to 1 vestige of level 3 or lower. Your pact check is 1d20 +2. This process takes 1 minute (or a full-round action at -10 to the check). Saves against your supernatural granted powers are at DC 10.
  • Suppress Sign(Ex): When you make a good pact you can show or suppress the physical sign as a swift action.
  • Pact Augmentation(Su): As long as you are bound to at least one vestige you can choose 1 augment. (1 remaining)
    + hit points +5
    + Energy resistance 5 (one type)
    + insight bonus to saving throws +1
    + Damage reduction 1/-.
    + insight bonus to AC +1
    + insight bonus on attack rolls +1(useless: knowledge devotion)
    + insight bonus on damage rolls +1(useless: knowledge devotion)
    + insight bonus on initiative +2
  • Paimon: One side of your mouth becomes wider than the other, and you are lascivious and bold.
    + Dance of Death(Su): Once every 5 rounds you can move up to your speed and attack every creature that you pass with a single attack. You provoke attacks of opportunity normally and do not get any additional attacks, such as from the cleave feat.
    + Paimon's Blades(Su): You gain proficiency with the rapier and shortsword and benefit from the Weapon Finesse feat when wielding them.
    + Paimon's Dexterity(Su): You gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity.
    + Paimon's Skills(Su): You can use the Tumble skill untrained and gain a +4 bonus on Tumble and Perform(dance) checks.
    + Uncanny Dodge: You retain your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught fl at-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. If you have uncanny dodge from another source, you gain improved uncanny dodge instead. See the rogue class features on page 50 of the Player’s Handbook.
    + Whirlwind Attack: You gain the benefit of the Whirlwind Attack feat.

    Swordsage (1)
  • Quick to act(Ex): Initiative bonus +1.
  • Discipline Focus: (Shadow Hand)
    + Weapon Focus(Ex): Pick a discipline you have at least one maneuver in. Each time you have Discipline focus, gain weapon focus for discipline related weapons, +2 Martial Lore checks for discipline that has discipline focus (does not stack).

    Fighter Hit-and-Run Tactics (DotU: 58) (1)
    Level: 1st.
    Replaces: By selecting the hit-and-run alternative class feature, you give up proficiency with medium, heavy armor, shields and tower shields, even if you already have those proficiencies from another class. You can’t gain either of these proficiencies by multiclassing later, but you can gain them by selecting the appropriate feats.
    Benefit: At 1st level, you gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, when attacking a flat-footed opponent within 30 feet, you can add your Dexterity bonus (if any) as a competence bonus on all weapon damage rolls.
  • Fighter bonus feat

    Chamaleon (1)
  • Aptitude Focus(Ex): 1/day you can spend 1 hour to select an aptitude that will give you certain abilities. You may change your aptitude 0/day. You may use your aptitude focus ability 1/day with a +2 bonus.

    Aptitude Focus (Ex): Once per day, you can select one of five areas upon which to focus your ever-shifting talents. After meditating for 1 hour, you gain the chosen abilities for 24 hours or until you change your aptitude focus. An aptitude focus ability is usable once per day at 1st level, twice per day at 5th level, and three times per day at 10th level. At 5th level, you can change your aptitude focus one time per day, and at 10th level you can change your aptitude focus two times per day. If you change to the arcane focus or divine focus ability, you must still obey the normal rules for preparing spells (including any rest required).

    Arcane Focus: You gain the ability to prepare and cast arcane spells, which may be chosen from the spell list of any arcane spellcasting class. You prepare and cast these spells just as a wizard does, including the use of a spellbook (chameleons often use stolen or borrowed spellbooks; see page 178 of the Player's Handbook for details). Your spells per day are noted on Table 5—2: The Chameleon. You gain bonus spells for a high Intelligence score, just as a wizard does. When Table 5—2 indicates that you get 0 spells per day of a given spell level, you gain only the bonus spells you would be entitled to based on your Intelligence score for that spell level. Your caster level is equal to twice your class level. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks and Spellcraft checks and a +2 bonus on Will saves; at 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4.

    Combat Focus: You gain proficiency with all martial weapons. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves. At 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4.

    Divine Focus: You gain the ability to prepare and cast divine spells, which may be chosen from the spell list of any divine spellcasting class. You prepare and cast these spells just as a cleric does, except that you cannot spontaneously cast spells. You can only prepare new divine spells at sunrise. Your spells per day are noted on Table 5—2: The Chameleon. You gain bonus spells for a high Wisdom score, just as a cleric does. When Table 5—2 indicates that you get 0 spells per day of a given spell level, you gain only the bonus spells you would be entitled to based on your Wisdom score for that spell level. Your caster level is equal to twice your class level. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks and a +2 bonus on Fortitude and Will saves; at 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4.

    Stealth Focus: You gain trapfinding (see page 50 of the Player's Handbook), uncanny dodge (see page 26 of the Player's Handbook), a +2 competence bonus on Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, and Search checks, and a +2 bonus on Reflex saves. At 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4.

    Wild Focus: You gain wild empathy (see page 35 of the Player's Handbook; treat your druid level as equal to your class level), woodland stride (see page 36 of the Player's Handbook), a +2 competence bonus on Climb, Handle Animal, Jump, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks, and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves. At 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4.
  • Bonus Feat(Ex): At the start of each day, you can choose to change your bonus feat to any other feat for which you meet the prerequisites

Swordsage - Initiator Level: 4 Known: 6 Readied: 4 Stances: 1
+ Burning Blade (R) (Desert Wind) (Boost Level 1) (Pg 52) : Deal 1d6+4 fire damage.
+ Burning Brand (R) (Desert Wind) (Boost Level 2) (Pg 52) : Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
+ Flashing Sun (R) (Desert Wind) (Strike Level 2) (Pg 54) : Gain extra attack.
+ Cloak of Deception (R) (Shadow Hand) (Boost Level 2) (Pg 76) : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
+ Shadow Jaunt (Shadow Hand) (Level 2) (Pg 79) : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
+ Mountain Hammer (Stone Dragon) (Strike Level 2) (Pg 84) : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.

+ Child of Shadow (Shadow Hand) (Stance Level 1) (Pg 76) : You gain concealment as long as you move.

spells per day:
cleric: 3 1+1
chameleon: 4 2 0
bonus by dex: (illumian)
0 3 2

Active spells:
Primal Hunter +5 competence bonus on Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. (Ranger1)(Dragon Magic)
Primal Instinct +5 Competence to Initiative, Survival. +5 Competence to one knowledge skill with Dragonblood subtype. Gain Uncanny dodge if other Primal spell active (Ranger 2) (Dragon Magic)

Bite of the Wererat - +6 enh. to Dex, +2 En. to Con, +3 En. to Natural Armor, Bite attack for 1d4*1.5 Str, Weapon Finesse feat (Druid 2) (Spell Compendium)
Haste, Swift - Gain Extra attack on Full attack, +1 Attack, +1 Dodge to AC, +1 Reflex Saves, +30 Enhancement to Speed (Ranger 2) (Spell Compendium)


turns: [x][x] + [x][x][x][x] + [x][]

0(3): Detect Magic[][], Light[]
1(4+1) : Vigor, lesser [][][][], Disguise self[]

0(4): Deathwatch[] (healer), Message[], Mage Hand[],
1(5): Resist Energy[][], Resurgence[], Conviction[], Lesser Restoration[] (paladin)
2(2): Haste, Swift [x], Primal Instinct[x]

+1 Death Ward Twist Cloth, Gnome: +1 ac + 1 [] (ссылка) 150gp + 1000gp + 3000pg
Shield, heavy wooden, masterwork 7gp + 150gp: 2 ac

+1 Short sword 2310 gp 1d6+1 19-20x2

Reliquary Holy symbol 1000gp
Metamagic, Extent, lesser 3,000 gp [x][x][]
Nightstick 7500 gp

gold: 243 gp

Кто-то хитрый и большой

Заявка на рассмотрении
Автор:   Sheks
Раса:   Другая
Класс:   Другой
Мировоззрение:   Нейтральный
Сила:0 [-5]
Ловкость:0 [-5]
Выносливость:0 [-5]
Интеллект:0 [-5]
Мудрость:0 [-5]
Обаяние:0 [-5]