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Личный кабинет: Xatriks

Статус: не задан
Дата регистрации: 03.08.2012
Рейтинг: +8
Количество игровых сообщений: 181
Подано голосов: 0
Последний визит: 22.09.2021 13:01

Нарушения: 0/6


ICQ: Номер не указан
Jabber: Не указан
Местоположение: Не указано
Сайт: не указан

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    Пока что ни одной...


Лучший ход

Dear Ladies!
Me, Alexander from Saint-Petersburg, padre Joshua and one good goblin with a small secret are writing this letter just to tell you about another small secret, which could be vital to our rescue from evil wizard's mansion. Our enemy has a kind of "evil guy's weakness" - he speaks while sleeping. You, girls, could ask him some question about the magical barrier, or a barrier generator, which doesn't allow us to leave the mansion. He can tell you how to switch it off. If the barrier is destroyed - we'll be safe. If not - our good goblin always has another plan. Well, it's just a joke, we can rescue only when the generator is off. So, Mysterious Ladies, you are our only hope. Hopes. Please hurry up, or the moment will be lost.
Best wishes,
Cleric, bard and elven wizard.