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Личный кабинет: StrangeXellos

Статус: Forever Autumn
Дата регистрации: 08.11.2014
Рейтинг: +13
Количество игровых сообщений: 167
Подано голосов: 1
Последний визит: 12.05.2020 15:59

Нарушения: 0/6


ICQ: Номер не указан
Jabber: Не указан
Местоположение: Не указано
Сайт: не указан

О себе

Личная почта



    Пока что ни одной...


Лучший ход

Имп тронулся головой, говоря Вольтеру играть.

- Как ты прикажешь это сделать? У меня активна одна рука, одной я на гитаре изобразить не смогу ничего Могу только петь. Это всегда пожалуйста.

Глаза певца сверкнули, продолжая следить за надвигающимся противником, губы сомкнулись в усмешке, и начали громогласно петь:

There's a raider attacked caravan
and he's Dead!
And all his companions, they are missing
'cause they're Dead!

Oh someone tell me why
I'm alive I don't even care
And yet I have been spared

There's a girl with a hole in her heart
and she's Dead!
And there's an infant that's been torn apart
now he's Dead!

Oh, someone tell me why
I'm alive I don't even care
And yet I have been saved

The good reverend Chosen was right,
he said When you scream
Only 50% of the chance will you get enemy team
If help does not come to our cries when we call
Someone tell me what's the point of screaming at all

There's a man and he lives in the vault
So they said
And he watches us all of the time
So I've read

So someone tell me why
it could be he won't talk to me
Could it be that I'm deaf?

The good reverend Chosen was right,
he said When you scream
Only 50% of the chance will you get enemy team
If help does not come to our cries when we call
Someone tell me what's the point of screaming at all

Overseer is all-knowing
And he is all-seeing
Just who do you think that you are
to change his mind

He already knows what you want
And decided that you didn't need it
So don't bother asking for cures or an answer
Overseer is the one who sent you to Wastelands!